Tuesday, December 6, 2011

See the arc of your life.

Sometimes when there is so much darkness we can’t make out the shape of who we are meant to be. I know that I have many days when I can’t make out my dreams. I see that nothing will change. But then time passes and I remember the arc, the shapes my life has taken to get me to where I am today. I can see that all these decisions are a part of my dreams, not separate. This reminds me of drawing, because drawing is about is searching too. When you draw you erase, draw over, draw under, look, stop and look again. The lines intersect and overlap and eventually the forms appears. You need all of it to define the shape of your life.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rainbows are made from colors that connect.

When I did this watercolor exploration I wanted to play with how the colors delicately connect together. This got me thinking about those people that I feel truly connected to in my own life. This time of year we find ourselves with time to be with loved ones. Sometimes I have to remind myself that my truths can come from the beauty I see in those I connect with as well as the beauty I struggle to find within myself.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

See you own true gifts with clarity.

The other night my daughter complained to me that one of her good friends “always wins and is good at everything”. I told her "everyone is good at different things", but it got me thinking about the things we define as what “were good at” and “not good at”. Being “not good” at something can teaches us humility. Teachers always need compassion for those who struggle to learn. When a teacher has sincere understanding and patience for their student struggle it’s usually because they themselves experienced the same struggle at some point. It seems more important to spend time knowing what our contributions to this world are. Know what your legacy is while you are alive. Look at how you’ve made a difference in someone’s life. There will always be people who have been changed by who you truly are.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You are here.

I love maps. They help us find places, they guide us to where we need to go but they can also get us lost at times too. Maps are a symbol of our own inner navigation, our ability to find our way through difficult times. I have to admit, I focus so much on my own destination that at times I forget it's really OK to simple be where I am now, today, wether it's where I thought it would be or not. I really do like the idea of "you are here" though, it reminds me that I am not where I came from or where I am going. I am simply the sum of all my choices right now, today, and that will always be enough.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Your voice is your song, sing with your heart.

I figured since I started with my story about the crane, maybe I should continue with birds. I have been looking and thinking about birds a lot lately. One aspect of birds I find fascinating is a bird's song. A bird's song is like our voice in so many ways. Our voices are all so different. We have to listen very carefully to really hear what others say. We lead our lives by choosing our own songs, choosing the words and actions that define us. I guess for me, I strive to let my heart lead me. It can be hard to do that though. So many times I need to catch myself. The pain of the past can force me into a corner. But when I experience those beautiful moments when I am able to let my heart lead me, not my pain, I find great solace and relief. I only hope I can continue to see how much better I feel when I live with an awareness of the song I am singing.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Beautiful truths blog

One morning I went walking my dog by a small pond nearby my home. It was one of my usual walks except on this spring morning, to my surprise, there right in front of me, I saw a beautiful blue heron. I stopped and watched it for a about a minute but then I stepped back and walked the other way so my dog would not see it as she approached. As I turned to look back, within seconds it was gone, with out a sound. I was stunned. It flew off so fast, with out even the slightest sound of flapping wings. As I continued on my walk I thought about how many beautiful insights pass through our brains with out us ever really noticing. Those nuggets of wisdom that like the heron, are both fleeting and beautiful at the same time.

That morning on my way home, I began to think about a new blog. I thought that I could create a place where I could collect all the beautiful insights that inspire me. I hope to make this blog a place for those images and phrases that speak to something very deep within me.

To be honest, I’m not really sure how this will exactly take shape. All I know is that I want to explore colors, patterns, textures, symbols, letter forms, type ect…all the things I use as an artist to translate an idea into an image. I also want to explore my own process; how I create things and how my ideas find their way onto the page.

Finally, I'd like to connect with others. I welcome comments, emails ect…sharing is one of the best part of blogging, finding others out there who feel the same way and appreciate your efforts.

I truly hope you enjoy!

-maria carluccio